Closson Group, Logo

"Changing hearts and minds one child at a time"


(800) 569-2215
15 Minute Free Consultation








About Us

We are not a company; we are a cause. We are Doctor/Advocates, Attorneys, and education experts who practice throughout California, Nevada, and Oregon.

Closson Group experts deliver unmatched experience and expertise to ensure parents are not forced to navigate an endless sea of laws and regulations without expert support and protection. We have found a way to provide affordable, high-quality representation for special needs students who have been victimized by a badly broken special education system.

We know that as a parent you feel responsible for making sure your child receives a “Free and Appropriate Public Education” (FAPE) tailored to meet your child’s unique needs. We also know that sometimes “the District” takes the path of least resistance and may attempt to offer your child less than the law requires.

We help the “powers that be” understand their legal and moral responsibilities to supply FAPE to your child in the least restrictive environment. Your child has rights. We make sure those rights are vigorously enforced.

About Dr. Robert Closson

Dr. Robert Closson

Director of Advanced Advocacy Solutions and owner of Closson Group.

Dr. Robert Closson, Ed.D., is an author, instructor, speaker and an unapologetic evangelist for the interests of special needs students throughout the United States. Dr. Closson received his B.A., and M.B.A., from the University of San Francisco and his doctorate from the University of the Pacific. He did his post-doctoral work at Purdue Global Law in their Executive Juris Doctorate program.

Dr. Closson started his special education career as a special education advocate and OAH litigator in 2001. Since that time, Dr. Closson has facilitated, recorded and curated over 1,800 IEP meetings over the last 20 years in California, Oregon and Nevada. Presently, Dr. Closson is the Founder and Director of the Closson Group, headquartered in South Lake Tahoe, California. Of recent date, Dr. Closson founded Nepenthe Ranch along with his wife Catherine Closson in Smith, Nevada. Nepenthe is an equine-therapy ranch for special needs children who are given the opportunity to ride horses, fish, swim, hike the great outdoors or just relax with their parents in a resort-like setting located on the edge of a 40,000 acre forestry service reserve. The best part about Nepenthe Ranch is that it is all free of charge.

Dr. Closson’s current professional priorities include the evaluation of IEPs and litigation support for Closson Group’s assigned advocates and attorneys. Dr. Closson is a prolific lecturer throughout California and Nevada and gives seminars to parents, attorneys and senior public school administrators utilizing his book “Winning the IEP Game.”

Interesting Fact About Dr. Closson's Practice

“Dr. Closson trained over 100 attorneys and special education teachers in December of 2015. On a scale of 1 to 5 [1 being poor and 5 being excellent]; Dr. Closson received an average score of “4.4”. Nobody gave him a score below average.”

Comments from the December Seminars

“Dr. Closson knows the law backwards and forwards, all good stuff”

“Closson’s seminar was hard hitting and very informative”

“The best seminar I have attended in the last 10-years”

“Dr. Closson has a way of making difficult concepts simple and understandable.”

“Thank you, I learned more today about IEP’s than I have in the last 5-years.”

“Dr. “C” you are the best. You are smart, funny and very informative, thank you.”

“I can recommend Dr. Closson to any professional in the field, fantastic.”

"The only way we can be there for our children is to be there for ourselves." ~ Anonymous