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"Changing hearts and minds one child at a time"


(800) 569-2215
15 Minute Free Consultation








Expert Educational Services

We are a select group of Doctor/Advocates, Attorneys and educational experts who are dedicated to help you find solutions for your child’s special needs. We specialize in Individual Education Program (IEP) development and successful IEP implementation. We also represent parents and their children in due-process hearings, expulsion defense and expert witness services.

Closson's Parent Solution...

We feel your frustration. We know what it is like to be “handled, ignored or targeted” by district administrators that you thought were there to help you. The fact is, many district administrators have an “imperfect” understanding of what a legal and useful IEP should look like. We know that you need help with your child’s special needs educational challenges, and, we are here to give you that help.

Closson Group is a statewide group of Doctor/Advocates, Attorneys and special education experts who will ensure that your child has an effective, useful and legal IEP. Then, we will “help” your district generate appropriate supports, services, and accommodations that are informed by the parent’s objectives, not just the districts. Let’s face it, if the district will not provide your child with an “appropriate” IEP, or will not implement the IEP correctly, then special education for your child has no real value.

We help the district understand their responsibilities to provide an IEP for your child that will work. IEP’s work when they are the result of proper assessments; appropriate services and supports; and, effective goals and objectives. An IEP will fail to serve your child if any of these components are missing.

We will audit your child’s current IEP, we will attend your IEP meeting (Zoom) and represent you in the meeting from start to finish. You can participate in the meeting as much or as little as you want, knowing that your child rights are being fully represented by a highly skilled, highly educated advocate.

However, sometimes, disputes regarding your child’s IEP or the implementation of their IEP cannot be avoided. If that time comes, we are more than able to draft your complaint to the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) in Sacramento. Thereafter, we are able to mediate your claim or try your claim at a full OAH hearing all at reduced rates that are affordable on any family budget.

Please e-mail or call us and tell us what your child needs to be more successful. Please allow twenty-four hours to get back to you with some possible solutions. Don’t allow your child to lose tens of thousands [sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars] in valuable supports and services for lack of an effective and legal support team. We are here to help. Call us today.

In your intake e-mail, tell us your story. Tell us what your student needs to succeed.

We Are Dedicated to Help You Find Solutions for Your Child's Special Needs

Working Together